Present  > New Activities

Business Model

With this mini assignment I really got to learn what factors are all involved in a business, this started to make me think in a broader way. Now I have a basic understanding of the 9 building blocks of a business and how they can differ from each other. It turns out that the ideas in your head may look great to you, but they don’t work for other people. This taught me the value of doing research on your target groups for a business and how I can change the whole product. Throughout the process I changed my business ideas quite a lot and I think I used the results of the research in a good way. This mini assignment gave me a good introduction into designing business processes and I will develop this competencies area further using this business idea. I’m going to continue to read "Business Model Generation" by Osterwalder and Pigneur and implement their theories on the business model canvas, turning it inside out and back together multiple times creating the best possible business model canvas and hopefully business as well.
